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To celebrate our first birthday, we want everyone to get to know our resident Hype Girls: our co-founders. While Weezie’s only had one year around the sun, Liz and Lindsey have known each other for over a decade. Back when they met in 2007, they had no idea that they’d start a company together. 

Liz was the original Hype Girl that pushed Lindsey to take the idea seriously. After Liz got married in 2015 and realized that registering for towels was confusing AF, the idea for Weezie was born. Now, as the Creative Director, Liz’s design background, outside-the-box thinking, and positive attitude make sure the Weezie brand stays ahead of the game. Here, Liz lets us in on what makes a good business partnership, staying sane, moving on from mistakes, and more.  


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born and raised in Austin, TX! I was a minute away from going to the University of Texas but decided to get out of Texas for a hot second and go to the University of Georgia. Thank God I did, because that is where I met my husband! We now live in Savannah, GA with our two labs (Lola and Bella) and our two year-old, Tempe Elizabeth Eichholz or “Tee”.

Tell us the story behind Weezie. How and when did the idea come to you?

Shortly after getting married, I moved from NYC to Savannah and all of a sudden found myself with three new bathrooms to fill and a hodgepodge of towels that were certainly not worthy of moving with me. With guests coming to visit on the horizon, I decided to finally get some towels off my wedding registry.  An initially exciting purchase quickly turned into an annoying chore: I was confused by all the options, jargon, and difference between price points.  After my mom gave me brands to consider, I was left even more confused, as each offered so many options! What I wanted was Weezie – a company offering ONE amazing high-quality towel with quick lead times and design options that I could choose online. Lindsey had just started at Columbia, and during a gab sesh, we started talking about my experience. Looking back, it was the perfect timing in both of our lives and career paths, which really allowed this conversation to keep snowballing into the idea we couldn’t ignore. 

Why were you and Lindsey good business partners? 

Two reasons immediately come to mind – one, we were really good friends before Weezie! So many people warned us about going into business with a friend - but I really think it’s worked to our advantage.  We know each other so well and are able to communicate quickly and clearly.  We also truly value maintaining our relationship and, as a result, communicate when something isn’t going right and are quick to resolve. Secondly, the fact that we are complete opposites has definitely contributed to our success as business partners! Lindsey has a numbers, finance, and operations brain while I am a full-fledged creative. Our different strengths allowed us to be extremely agile and scrappy as we launched our business. Where one of us might have stumbled if we had been in this alone, the other was right there tackling the task. It helped us to do a lot with a little for a very long time and to think about the business from so many different angles. We know something is a good idea when both of us reach the same conclusion in VERY different ways. ;) 

What is your role at the company, and what do you enjoy most about it?

I am the Creative Director. I know this sounds cliche, but I really enjoy so much about my job. I know not everyone gets the opportunity to have an idea and then actually go build it and turn it into a business–nonetheless with one of your friends. I’m so beyond grateful for this experience and this journey and all it has already taught me. If I HAD to choose, I would say social media. It’s such a fun mix of creating content, telling a brand story and interacting with our customers. It’s still something I handle even after a year of business, but it’s so important! Interactions on social media have inspired new products, opened up conversations with customers, started collaborations, etc. It’s fresh and always changing and just fun!

"I know not everyone gets the opportunity to have an idea and then actually go build it and turn it into a business–nonetheless with one of your friends. I’m so beyond grateful for this experience and this journey and all it has already taught me." 


Looking back on Weezie’s first full year in business, what are you most proud of and why?

We have done a lot with very little and we have really hustled (and with a newborn in tow!). The early days were such fun because there was so much strategy and high-level thinking, but it was also challenging in that we were constantly facing unknowns. The work now is so different and, in a lot of ways, even harder but I’m not intimidated by it. I know, no matter what we face, we will figure it out. I’m really proud we got through all of the doubt and doubters and that we turned an idea into a full-fledged business (and a business that has afforded us the opportunity to hire a team and fill Weezie with amazing people). 

At Weezie, you’re responsible for anything and everything Weezie brand.  Where do you look for inspiration?

So many places! Old coffee table books, old graphic design books. I got a book of botanicals in Italy from the 16th century and found a flower that I want to turn into a print for our next line of printed robes! Also, travel – I LOVE to go to new cities and stay in new hotels that just wow me with the design. I find color schemes, new patterns, new ideas for photoshoots and return refreshed with a million different ideas. Lastly, just getting out of my routine – a new walk around downtown, a new restaurant, a new running trail, I’m simply inspired by newness. 

What was the biggest mistake you made in the last year?

So many... one comical one was when we were getting our first embroidery machine delivered. The driver asked me if he could leave it outside in the front instead of at the covered loading dock. It was sunny, without a cloud in the sky, so I told him it wasn't a problem and didn’t think twice. Well, of course, our movers were running 5 hours late and a tornado rolled into town. Our VERY expensive embroidery machine was now sitting in the middle of a rainstorm with lightning in a street that was rapidly flooding. All is well that ends well, but it was a stressful few hours and definitely all my fault. 

Starting a company is no joke, how have you and Lindsey stayed sane during this process?

A baby has added to the madness but also been the ultimate gift of perspective. Baby Tempe motivates me to keep working hard and reminds me that any crisis at work is never as bad as it seems (mostly because she’s such hard work–we are in the thick of terrible twos–when I get home that I quickly forget anything else from earlier in the day!)

Tell us how you #enjoythestay.

A pedicure, a no-phone lunch, opening our nicest bottle of wine even if I just want one glass of wine on a Wednesday (this really annoys my husband), eating off of our china, dance parties with my daughter to Lizzo, getting dressed each morning in actual clothes even though I’m going to a warehouse where I will sweat, reading coffee table books in bed like novels,  framing my favorite family photos all over my house, and, of course, USING. THE. NICE. TOWELS. EVERY. DAY. 

"#enjoythestay by USING. THE. NICE. TOWELS. EVERY. DAY."


Favorite place you have traveled and why?

My favorite is always the last place I have visited so right now it’s Lake Como! We went to The Grand Tremezzo in Lake Como and it is just pure heaven. A gorgeous lake surrounded by alps (with a potential George Clooney sighting) what is not to love?! Also, the hotel is stunning and I could have spent a week in the spa alone. Next stop is Seattle + Willamette Valley, Oregon!

What is the last show you binge-watched, last book you read, or last podcast episode you really loved?

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills–WOWOWOW. I always save it to binge at once and the drama did not disappoint. / Last book - Becoming by Michelle Obama. 

Current brand crush?

Cuyana and Neely and Chloe! I need a new purse and I’m between a few on both sites.

Favorite interior design Instagram(s) to follow right now?

Too many. It would be like picking a favorite child. That has been one of my favorite parts of starting Weezie – continuing to discover and work with new designers. We recently worked on projects with both Becky Boyle and Ashley Gilbreath, so they are two current design crushes! 


Pick one each!

Bubble bath or shower? BUBBLE BATH - NO QUESTION.
Wallpaper or paint? Wallpaper (but it will take me 10 years to connect)
Towel bar or hook? Both!
Towel time sips: tea or tini? Tini (dirty w/ blue cheese olives) 


Your towel time is:

  • Morning / evening 
  • Quick, no nonsense /  long and lingeringalways longer than appropriate 
  • With cell phone / with book → Neither, with a toddler 
  • Face mask / clean face 
  • Long or short robe → The short robe came from my absolute obsession with never being able to find a good short robe!

Liz's pick: The short robe with white piping and our "River" style embroidery in periwinkle thread! 

About the Author

Liz Eichholz

Liz Eichholz

Co-Founder & Creative Director
University of Georgia, BFA, Graphic Design
11 years of experience